Ed Young Articles

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Find True Freedom Within God's Framework

Explore the paradox of freedom within boundaries in our faith journey. Discover God's divine frame in our lives and the true freedom it brings. Embrace your role as God's masterpiece.

7 Beliefs That Set Biblical Christianity Apart in a Woke World

In this article, learn about the 7 beliefs that set Biblical Christianity apart in a woke world. From the holiness of God surpassing the love of God to the reality of hell and the exclusivity of Jesus, these points highlight the differences between wokeism and Christianity. Explore how these beliefs impact our understanding of God, truth, and salvation, and how they shape our worldview and actions in a woke culture.

How to Have a Christian Worldview

In this article, discover how to develop a Christian worldview in a world that is constantly bombarding us with messages that are often false. Learn about the dangers of wokeism and how it goes against a Biblical worldview at every turn. Get tips on how to align your perspective with Scripture, including accepting a God-centric worldview, studying and meditating on the Bible, and seeking guidance from trusted Christian leaders. Find out how to apply your Christian worldview to everyday life and how to equip your children with a biblical perspective.