What Would Jesus Say To Caitlyn Jenner: Feelings Aren’t Facts

Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”
Until 2019, gender dysphoria (or unhappiness with one's current gender) was classified as a psychological disorder by the World Health Organization. However, medical professionals who are trusted by the trans community no longer label gender dysphoria as a mental disorder. Instead, those who experience gender dysphoria are encouraged to seek a counselor or therapist who can assist with the process of transitioning.
As is true in other areas of our culture, we have allowed the facts to be altered because of our feelings. Just because someone feels like they should have been born a different gender does not mean they are a different gender. Our feelings are subjective, often untrustworthy, and should be informed by the objective truth of God's Word. We were each created uniquely and by design. God wants to show us who we are, how we are to see ourselves, and how we can best relate to him and to those around us.
It's important to recognize that every person, including Caitlyn Jenner, is loved by God and created in his image. Jesus pursues each of us because he wants to have a relationship with us. He wants each of us to seek his truth and wisdom, rather than relying solely on our feelings and subjective experiences.
For any of us to experience the intimate relationship with God that we were created for, and the fulfilling relationships with others that we long for, we must begin by being reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. When we surrender our lives to him, he begins to transform us from the inside out.
Ask God to open the eyes of those you may know who are dealing with this issue. Pray for guidance. Be sensitive to their struggles and pain. Encourage faith and trust in God.
Jesus, thank you for creating the unique differences of male and female. Thank you for the gifts and abilities you have distinctively presented each one of us. Help us to foster our talents and treasure them. Help us to pray for each other and show love to those that are hurting. In Jesus’ name, Amen.