What Jesus Would Say to Tiger Woods: From the Greens to Grace

Ephesians 2:8 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.”
Tiger Woods doesn't have to work to earn God’s love. He can't. Though hardworking, his efforts alone can't earn God's unconditional love. No good works justify us before a holy God. We're all sinners falling short of God's glory. Only by God's grace through faith in Christ can we be saved.
Tiger's drive to please won't win God's favor. God sees the heart, and loves us not for what we do but who we are - his beloved children. We're accepted in the beloved, complete in Christ. Our relationship with the Father comes through Jesus’ finished work, not our achievements.
This is the Gospel's hope and freedom - we're free from earning heaven. We can come as we are and find rest. God's love and acceptance are a free gift, not something we can work for or deserve. We can know peace amid imperfections and failures because Jesus made us perfect in him. This is amazing, life-changing news!
Accept this free gift today! Ask Jesus to save your soul. If you have accepted him as your Savior, tell someone about him.
Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice. You died on the cross even though I didn’t deserve it. Thank you for the good news of the gospel. In Jesus’ name, Amen.