What Jesus Would Say to Joe Biden: Your Past Doesn’t Determine Your Future

2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
Do you have something that haunts your mind, popping up unexpectedly and lingering throughout the day? It's that difficult-to-shake memory that distracts, discourages, and leaves you feeling tired and defeated.
When Jesus died and rose again, he promised to send his Spirit to dwell within those who declare him Lord and Savior. He came so our minds no longer have to be dominated by our past. We become "new creations," spiritually cleansed from our sin and shame.
So what does "new creation" mean? The Bible likens it to the creation of the world, where God breathed new life into the darkness, creating something out of nothing, full of light and life. Through Christ, God not only cleans us up, but also creates our lives anew. Our old sins are gone forever, forgotten by the God who alone can give us a new start.
Write down 2 Corinthians 5:17 and memorize it. Repeat it when you are feeling discouraged and defeated. Remind yourself that Jesus has made you new – you are a “new creation!”
Jesus, I thank you for making me a new creation in you. Help me to live my life with confidence that comes from knowing that I’ve been given a fresh start as a new person. In Jesus’ name, Amen.