Unhurried Holiday

Luke 2:16, "So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger."
“Kids help me load the car, we need to hurry!” “Is it 6am already? I have to hit that online sale so I don’t miss that deal!” “Decorating, shopping, baking, wrapping – there’s so much to get done!” With the holiday season on us and Christmas music playing at all the malls, you probably are dreaming of more white space on your calendar than a white Christmas. Your holly jolly has been knocked out of you, with the hustle and bustle of your schedule crowding out the spiritual significance of the season.
I wonder if the shepherds, the angels, and the wisemen ever dreamed that the celebration of Christ’s birth would be so hurried? Was hurriedness present the night Jesus was born? Being in the presence of a newborn makes me speak in a hushed tone and feel a kind of awe. Maybe the shepherds felt this also. What if we did that too? What if today, we slowed down to quietly meet with the One this season is all about? Maybe instead of a hurried holiday, we would find a season that spiritually strengthens us instead of sapping us of our energy and joy.
Pause today in His presence. Make space for a few minutes of quiet time to reflect on the often-rushed-through story of Christmas.
Jesus, remind me that this season is about You, not things or activities. Amen.