Time to Clear

Psalm 74:17 “It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter.”
Psalm 139:23-24 “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!”
Did you know about the peculiar task of "rock pickers" in rural communities? These people venture into fields, meticulously picking rocks before planting seeds. It's an annual ritual for farmers; as the frost thaws, rocks seemingly emerge from the soil, so common in the Northeast that they're nicknamed "New England potatoes."
Farmers say that this is nature's way of healing the land during winter. Isn't it fascinating to consider the parallels between this natural process and the winter seasons in our lives? Just as the land heals, so do we. Winter isn't merely a bleak, cold period; it's a season for allowing God to "pick the rocks" from the soil of our hearts.
Truthfully, most of us prefer the allure of spring, the warmth of summer, or the vibrant hues of fall. But winter slows us down, urging us to pause and let God work on our unseen burdens—the rocks we carry within us, hidden and sometimes cutting deep. It's in these slow, wintry moments that Jesus can bring healing.
In the Book of Psalms, David understood the life-giving nature of inviting God to examine and convict our hearts and thoughts—essentially, gathering the rocks. Seeking him to search us is asking for his help to mend our souls. Regular repentance prepares the soil of our hearts for God's grace, mercy, and correction, fostering a deeper relationship with him.
While farmers might not enjoy rock picking, as God's children, we all know the necessity of these experiences. Each gentle conviction from the Holy Spirit is our loving Father guiding us and removing burdens. He's revealing a better path. Let's wage war on the rocks within us, keeping the soil of our hearts plowed and ready to receive God's Word.
Invite God to examine your heart and thoughts. Identify the burdens, worries, or unresolved issues within your heart. Acknowledge these as the metaphorical "rocks" that may hinder your spiritual growth. Be open to God's guidance, even when it may involve confronting uncomfortable truths or addressing deep-seated issues.
Heavenly Father, I acknowledge the unseen burdens within me, the rocks that sometimes weigh heavy on my soul. I ask for your healing touch in the wintry seasons of my life. Examine my heart and thoughts, guiding me in the paths that lead toward you. As David sought your conviction in Psalms, I also want to seek your gentle correction and healing touch. Help me to see conviction as part of healing and a clear path for my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.