Three Gifts

Matthew 2:10-11 “When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”
Do you ever feel the pressure of finding that perfect gift, especially for someone who seems to have everything? It's a struggle, wanting the gift to hold meaning and significance, isn't it?
Think about the wise men and their gifts to the coming Savior. Choosing those three gifts must have been a significant decision. But each one paints a vivid picture of who Jesus is to us.
First, there's the gold—symbolizing royalty and importance. It's valuable fit for a king. Then there's frankincense, a dried sap used in the temple rituals. It is used as part of a ritual worship and sacrifice made to cover sins, and it is recognized across the ancient world as a healing agent. This substance, from the Boswellia sacra tree, is obtained by crushing it, just as Jesus was crushed to become our ultimate healer and sacrifice.
And then there was myrrh, a multi-faceted gift associated with suffering and death. It served various purposes, from anointing oil for priests in the Old Testament to an agent used to ease suffering in crucifixions in the New Testament. Even in those early moments, it foreshadowed the depth of Jesus' purpose.
What is striking is that the wise men didn’t offer these gifts to earn favor or blessings. They simply presented them as an overflow of worship—a genuine outpouring of adoration.
This season, we can follow their example. Let’s not approach acts of obedience out of obligation, but rather let them flow naturally from a heart filled with adoration for the Savior. It’s about offering ourselves as a gift in worship and gratitude.
Take a moment to contemplate the significance of giving, especially in relation to the wise men's offerings to Jesus. What are your heart’s intentions? How are you expressing your love for Jesus? Do you give generously, do you serve in his house, do you invite, do you share his good news? What are you offering Jesus this Christmas?
Lord, I want to live a life rooted in genuine worship and adoration like the wise men. Allow my conduct, thoughts, and speech to mirror my love for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.