
Proverbs 3:3-4, “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.”
When we are told by someone we value, to “write this down,” we grab anything. We reach for our phone, iPad, tablet, paper, the palm of our hand – literally anything. What if you were told by the Creator of the Universe, by someone you knew and respected to “write this on the tablet on your heart”? You would realize that this is vital, it is essential!
This verse from Proverbs tells us to “Write love and faithfulness on your heart.” In fact, the verse does not stop at “write it down”, it also says “tie it up.” Knot it! We are to remember His love and faithfulness to us so we will come to be known for our love and faithfulness to others. Are you tied up and leashed to these two qualities? Do you have the handlers of love and faithfulness guarding your life? Jesus is the perfect example of love and faithfulness. How are you measuring up to His standard?
We see the promise in verse four, that God will give us favor. As we trust Him and love others, He will bless us. Bless someone today and see how God blesses you.
God, thank You for Your immeasurable love and faithfulness to me. Help me to be consistent in loving others. Help me value people as You do. Amen.