Strong Willed Child

Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
Have you ever had moments when your little one hollers back at you, “I don't want to!” or maybe “You can't make me!” in public? You see red, yellow, blue and green – and kindly let them know there will be consequences when you get them in a more private setting. Maybe you even maneuver them swiftly to a private place and deal with it then! During that season of parenting, even the simplest of tasks, like brushing teeth, getting dressed, and eating dinner, takes so much effort.
An encouraging verse is Galatians 6:9. While this verse was not written specifically for the context of parenting, it applies to all areas of the Christian life, and it encourages us that there is a harvest or reward for those who persevere in the trials before them. As parents, we can easily assume, “As long as I do everything right, then my kids will turn out okay.” However, this idea leaves out free choice – the same free choice God gives each of us. We do not have control over our children’s choices. You can do everything just right, and your child can still choose to walk away from God or make poor life choices. But when we parent God's way and pray, we bring God into the picture, trusting that our loving, faithful Father will work for their good.
If you have a strong-willed child, ask God for wisdom and pray. Seek encouragement from other parents and from scripture.
Jesus, thank you for your wisdom and instruction. Help me not to become discouraged in doing good, and to continue to be faithful. Help me to seek your truth in all things. In Jesus’ name. Amen.