Something New

Isaiah 43:19 “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
Lamentations 3:22-23 “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Have you ever embraced those early morning hours, whether for a New Year's resolution workout or to savor the peace and quiet before the day begins? In those moments, there's an invigorating tranquility that permeates the air. One such morning, during my quiet time routine, I stumbled upon Isaiah 43:19. God's message to Israel through Isaiah promised newness if they remained open. It struck me—each dawn brings a fresh day, a canvas for God's wonders. Yet, often, I rush through mornings, missing his ongoing creative acts. I can easily stumble or run through the day missing his hand at work.
This hurried pace doesn't align with God's intent. My brain resists it, and when I pause to enjoy his presence, my spirit echoes the sentiment: God is ceaselessly crafting newness, but our busyness blinds us. This pattern is reflected in different facets of life. God doesn't just gift us mornings; he continually offers opportunities for renewed encounters with him. When did you last witness his work around you? How's your relationship with the Lord? Has it grown stagnant? Do you feel burdened and weary? He never leaves, but our neglect affects the extent to which we are aware of his presence.
Jesus didn’t extend his grace to us so that we could shove it into the corner to gather dust. Instead, as Paul suggests, Christ should be our life's focal point. Doing so unveils God’s daily wonders tailored for us.
The time you are investing to read this devotional is a step in the right direction! Take a few minutes to sit quietly and talk to the Lord about your desires in the new year. Plan a specific time to pray and spend time with Jesus every day as you commit to applying his Word to your life.
Lord, open my eyes to your Word as I delve into its depths today. Give me wisdom to understand its truths and apply its teachings to my life. May your Word be a guiding light, leading me on paths of righteousness and revealing your will for me. In Jesus name. Amen.