Sing at Night

Matthew 6:26 “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”
Lamentations 3:22-23 “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
One restless night during the holiday season, a strange occurrence disrupted my sleep. As I lay awake, I heard birds chirping in the dead of winter. It felt surreal, shrouded in darkness and the biting chill of December. The mere thought of birds chirping in this wintry scene left me confused. Curiosity piqued and now awake, I reached for my iPad, intent on unraveling this midnight mystery. Why would birds sing in the middle of a winter night?
My research revealed that robins, even in the cold of winter, sing for reasons beyond what meets the eye. First, they sing to ward off disturbances, much like the doubts and anxieties that sometimes creep into our lives, robbing us of joy and peace. In those moments, it is crucial to anchor ourselves in God's promises, refusing to let the enemy distract us from his purpose.
Furthermore, these birds sing to protect their territory, even when nothing around them seems to flourish. Similarly, there are seasons in our lives when everything appears barren or without hope. Yet, just as the robins sing over their seemingly lifeless land, we're called to pray and worship even in the midst of despair and our pain. We can lift our voices in praise, especially when we're weak, broken, or surrounded by hopelessness, knowing that God's goodness persists, his mercies are ever new, and joy arrives with each new dawn. We can protect our ”land,” our families, from predators of the mind.
In the dead of winter, when all seems bleak, the birds' song echoes a lesson for our hearts. Trust in God's unseen work, sing over our barren places, and hold on to the belief that even in our darkest moments, his promises of hope and joy remain.
Surrender your anxieties and weaknesses to God. Ask him to strengthen you according to his promise in Isaiah 41:10. Trust that his strength is made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). Whenever faced with daunting situations, consciously rely on God's promises and take a courageous step in faith!
God, you are the One who strengthens, upholds, and guides us through every season. There are moments when fear and uncertainty cloud my heart. I confess my struggles and anxieties, laying them at your feet. Help me to sing your praises when I am afraid and can't see my way. In Jesus' name. Amen.