Silent Night, Holy Night

Luke 2:10-11 “But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.’”
“Silent night, holy night, Shepherds quake at the sight.”
The shepherds knew the rhythm of quiet nights. They lived on the outskirts of society, tending their sheep and keeping watch under the stars; every day the same. Their lives were humble, overlooked, and unremarkable. But on one extraordinary night, the ordinary gave way to the divine in a way that would leave them in awe forever.
The stillness was shattered as the night sky blazed with heavenly light, and an angel brought them news unlike anything they had ever heard—the Messiah, the Savior of the world, had been born. Then, as if the moment couldn’t be more overwhelming, the heavens were filled with a host of angels praising God. The shepherds, stunned and trembling, were invited to witness this miracle firsthand.
Imagine the shock these shepherds felt. They were the unlikeliest of people to receive such an invitation—considered unclean, socially insignificant, and far from the religious elite. Yet God chose them to hear the first announcement of Jesus’ birth. They didn’t hesitate. Leaving their sheep behind, they hurried to Bethlehem and found the baby lying in a manger, just as the angel said. For the shepherds, the sight of Jesus wasn’t just a confirmation of what they had heard—it was the beginning of transformation.
A glimpse of that same awe shines through history on Christmas Eve, 1914. In the horrors of World War I, on the Western Front, something extraordinary happened. Soldiers from opposing trenches, bitter enemies just hours before, laid down their weapons and joined together in singing Silent Night. For a fleeting moment, the chaos of war faded, and the battlefield grew still. In that sacred pause, Christ’s peace broke through the violence and despair, echoing the wonder of that first Christmas night when the shepherds, too, encountered a holy stillness in the presence of the Savior.
Awe transforms us in powerful ways. The shepherds, once ordinary and overlooked, were so moved by their encounter with the Savior in the manger that they couldn’t keep it to themselves. They left that night proclaiming the good news to everyone they met. This Christmas, may we, like the shepherds, stand in awe of the Savior who came to save us.
Like the shepherds, share the joy of Jesus’ birth with someone this Christmas. It could be simply inviting a friend or loved one to a Christmas Eve service.
God, thank you for the gift of Jesus, the Savior who came for us all. Fill my heart with the same awe the shepherds felt that first Christmas night. Help me to be courageous and bold, to share the good news of your coming with others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.