
2 Timothy 2:8 “Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David.This is my gospel,”
Deuteronomy 6:12 “be careful that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.”
Memorial Day, originally known as “Decoration Day,” resonates deeply within American history. It began as a poignant ritual following the Civil War, where people would adorn the graves of fallen soldiers with flowers and flags. This practice honored those who, as President Lincoln put it, gave “the last full measure of devotion” to defend their country. Over the decades, this day has come to commemorate not just the Civil War dead but also over 650,000 Americans who later perished in wars across the globe—from Europe to the Middle East.
As time has passed, the core of Memorial Day has grown, but its presence remains steadfast: it’s much more than just a day for barbecues. It’s a deeply meaningful day that reminds us of the significant cost of the civil and religious freedoms we often take for granted. It’s a day for reflection on our past and its profound implications for our future. It begs us to remember why conflicts happened and the tragedies of forgetting those reasons. As George Santayana famously warned, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
For Christians, the concept of remembrance is even more spiritually significant. Our entire faith hinges on remembering. The Bible itself is a memorial, guiding us to remember what Jesus did and live in freedom and tells others. Every Sabbath, every Lord’s Supper, baptism, and major festivals like Easter and Christmas are memorials. They remind us of God’s grace in the past and his promises for the future. This biblical concept that forgetting our history can lead back to spiritual captivity is a call to vigilant remembrance.
As we commemorate Memorial Day, let’s do so with gratitude for the extraordinary sacrifices made for our nation’s survival. And let’s carry that spirit of remembrance into every aspect of our lives, especially our spiritual walk. Every day should be a memorial day, reminding us not just of the bravery and the losses for our country’s freedom but also of Jesus’ sacrifice for our spiritual freedom and the sacrifice of our spiritual forefathers so we could pray, sing, and worship as we do.
What are a few of the freedoms you are grateful for? (religion, voting, assembly, free speech, etc.) In Romans 6, God says we are free from sin’s control, and we can walk in freedom. Thank Jesus today for the price he paid for your freedom, and live out your new identity in him.
Jesus, teach me to remember the cost of peace and liberty, not just today but every day. Instill in me a spirit of gratitude and responsibility to maintain the justice and freedom I so often take for granted. I pray for the leaders of our nations—grant them wisdom to make decisions that honors human life. Remind me daily of the ultimate sacrifice made by your Son, Jesus Christ, for my spiritual freedom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.