Power Principle

Ephesians 6:10 (NLT) “A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.”
“We cannot stand the wiles of the devil by our wits. The devil only comes along the lines that God understands, not along the lines that we understand, and the only way we can be prepared for him is do what God tells us, stand complete in his armor, indwelt by his spirit, in complete obedience to him.” Oswald Chambers
The apostle Paul finishes the book of Ephesians with a practical explanation and a gift to us – a warning. We are going to battle, not against our spouse or the community bully, not against our exes or our boss, but against the devil! We will need to jump out of our comfort zones, put on our armor and go to war for our kids’ sake, for our country’s sake, for our world’s sake.
You are being called into active duty not to be a bystander. God has equipped us, but not to just do battle, but to be victorious! These weapons are not passive weapons; they come with a directive! It is up to us to be prepared, to be strong, and to rely on the Holy Spirit.
Are you a bystander? It is time to get in the war! Prepare yourself by putting on your armor. Begin reading your Bible, praying, surrounding yourself with the army of believers whowill challenge you and stand up for godly principles.
God, I will stand for you today when I am faced with opposition that is contrary to your Word. Give me wisdom and guidance to say and speak the words with gentleness and conviction that will lead people to you. Help me be a light in the world, pointing others to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.