
Luke 2:19 “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”
Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”
Mary didn’t rush to post on TikTok or share her story for the world to see. There was no highlight reel of that first Christmas night. After the shepherds departed, filled with awe and excitement, Mary chose something remarkable. In the middle of the chaos—the animals, the questions, the raw exhaustion of childbirth—Mary quietly treasured the moment and pondered it in her heart.
Imagine her sitting in the stillness of the stable, the cries of her newborn breaking through the silence. This wasn’t how she pictured the birth of her first child. A stable instead of a home, hay instead of a cradle, and yet…this was no ordinary child. The angel’s words echoed in her mind: “You will give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.” And now, shepherds who had seen angels were declaring that her baby was the Savior.
Mary didn’t have all the answers, but she held onto the wonder. She reflected deeply, letting the weight of God’s plan settle in her heart. What would this mean for her? For her son? For the world? Instead of demanding clarity or rushing to explain, she trusted God’s purpose, even as she sat in the tension of the unknown.
How often do we do the opposite? In a world of instant updates and constant distractions, we rush past the sacred moments, filling our lives with noise instead of reflection. Mary’s response challenges us to pause, to sit with the beauty and mystery of God’s work, even when we don’t fully understand it.
This Christmas, follow Mary’s example. Make space to treasure the moments when God’s presence feels near. Think about the miracle of Jesus—God with us—and let his peace fill the quiet corners of your heart.
Mary’s pondering didn’t answer every question, but it deepened her trust in God’s faithfulness. This season, may we do the same. Let the stillness draw you into his presence, where wonder and hope are born.
Set aside a specific time each day to put away your phone and other distractions. Use this time to pray, read Scripture or think about what God has done for you this year.
God, help me to pause in the busyness of this season, to reflect on your faithfulness, and to treasure the moments where I see you working in my life. Teach me to trust you, even when I don’t understand everything, and to rest in the peace that only you can give. In Jesus’ name. Amen.