
Psalm 145:4-6 (ESV) “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds and I will declare your greatness.”
Someone astutely observed, "We become like what we worship." What we hold dear molds us in ways both profound and enigmatic. When our hearts are captivated by someone or something, our lives naturally orbit around the object of our affection. Our thoughts become consumed by it, our affections deepen, and we willingly allocate our time and energy to nurture this newfound adoration.
It's conceivable to devote our worship to various pursuits—sports, video games, shopping, culinary delights, toys, hobbies. And whatever captures our hearts shapes the trajectory of our lives. What we cherish most becomes the focus of our time and financial resources. Therefore, it stands to reason that, from a young age, God desires us to grasp the significance of offering praise and worship to him. He intends for us to impart this understanding, ensuring the importance of worshiping him is passed down through generations.
Teach your children to express adoration to God. It might begin by choosing an attribute or a quality of God, and then learning together what it means. Try it! (Examples: his wisdom, his power, his love)
God, enable me to honor you by expressing your magnitude to my children as I share of your glory and greatness. In Jesus' name. Amen.