Parental Prayers

Luke 8:40-42 “Now when Jesus returned, a crowd welcomed him, for they were all expecting him. Then a man named Jairus, a synagogue leader, came and fell at Jesus’ feet, pleading with him to come to his house because his only daughter, a girl of about twelve, was dying.”
There's no parenting manual, no comprehensive "how-to" guide to fully prepare you for the profound impact of parenthood. Parenting often resembles being struck by a freight train, burdened with fears and anxieties. We dread the possibility of failing our children, of even losing them. Worries plague us, whether it's about money, education, homework, or homecoming. It often feels like we're trapped in a never-ending pot of emotions.
Scripture offers us a powerful example that can show us what to do: the story of Jairus. A distinguished religious leader and a celebrity in the city, Jairus didn't approach Jesus for his village; rather, he was coming for his daughter's sake. We see this multiplied throughout the Bible - parents coming to Jesus for the sake of their children.
What's profoundly evident in the scriptures is that every time parents cry out, Jesus responds. Whenever a parent prays, Christ answers. His message to us is resounding: raise your children in an environment steeped in prayer, enveloping them in it. When you send them off to school, accompany them with a heartfelt blessing. As you tuck them in at night, let your prayers be a protective covering. While we may not have control over every aspect of their lives or be able to shield them from every threat, we can fortify them with the power of prayer.
Take your kids to Jesus in prayer. Pray over them each day. Saturate their lives in prayer.
Heavenly Father, I give my kids to you. Please give me the wisdom that only you can impart. Help me to see clearly through the fog of daily chaos, responsibilities, problems and joys. Please help me to model and guide my children, helping them grow into people who deeply love you. In Jesus' name. Amen.