Most Of Me

Romans 12:1 "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship."
The Knights Templar prepared for battle. Before they went on crusades, each knight would be baptized as a symbol of total commitment to Christ. Yet many held their swords out of the water—a silent way of saying, “Lord, you can have all of me—except this.” Though they were pledging allegiance to God, they kept their swords untouched, a part of themselves still clinging to control and power in a life that wasn’t fully surrendered.
This image hits close to home. We, too, often hold something out of reach when we say we’ve given our lives to Jesus. Perhaps it’s our careers, relationships, or ambitions. Like those swords held above the water, these areas can be things we’re afraid to release, maybe because we think they’re too central to who we are. But Jesus doesn’t call us to follow halfway; he invites us to trust him fully in every corner of our lives.
If we're still holding something back, we can’t fully experience what Jesus has for us. When we surrender everything—no swords left above the water—our lives become more than we ever imagined. Our battles are no longer ours alone, our burdens are shared, and our purpose is transformed in ways only he can bring.
So, what’s the “sword” you’re holding above the water? What are you clinging to? When we finally release our grip, we discover the freedom, purpose, and belonging only Jesus can give.
Start each day by saying, “Lord, I give you every part of me today.” Naming specific things—like your plans, thoughts, and interactions—can make this more intentional. This practice keeps surrender an active, daily choice.
Lord, I want to give you everything—no part held back. Help me release what I cling to, trusting you with every piece of my life. Fill me with courage to surrender fully and walk in your purpose. Thank you for guiding me each step of the way. In Jesus' name. Amen.