Marched Off the Maps

Hebrews 11:8 “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”
After Alexander the Great had achieved his conquest of Persia, he embarked on an eastward journey that led him beyond the familiar territories. As author Halford Luccock aptly put it, the general "marched off his maps."
Similarly, when Abraham and Sarah received their divine marching orders from God, they found themselves facing an uncertain future. Their retirement plans were abruptly disrupted by life's unexpected turn of events, as God realigned their agenda. He simply said, "Go, and I will show you," and without a clear map or detailed instructions, this elderly couple courageously packed up their belongings and set out on a journey to a destination known only to God.
God provided them with marching orders but omitted the map. All he required was enough faith to initiate their journey, and so they ventured into uncharted waters. God never promised them a straightforward path; instead, he guided them through chaotic situations before ultimately fulfilling his pledge of a son who would give rise to a great nation.
In the grand scheme of things, God has a remarkable way of reshaping our plans and imparting invaluable lessons when we choose to follow him. When we step out by faith and follow Jesus, we live a life beyond our expectations.
Don't wait until you have it all planned out to follow Jesus. Take the step of faith today.
God, I am listening today for your voice. I am willing to take that step of faith that you want me to take. If you want me to speak to someone about my faith, I will. If you want me to act on my faith, I will do it. I am listening. In Jesus' name. Amen.