
John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
"Are you kidding me, God?" How many times have these words escaped our lips? In moments when it seems like our lives and the lives of our loved ones are under siege, we may find ourselves questioning God's goodness and faithfulness. Whether it's a battle with cancer, the loss of a job, the pain of divorce, or any other trial, no one gets to skip the difficult seasons. Our world can crumble in an instant or unravel gradually over time.
In John 10:10, Jesus declares that he came to give us abundant life, a life filled to the brim. However, that sense of abundance and fullness often appears to be nothing more than a bitter joke. "Abundant, really, Jesus? Are You serious?" When faced with a terrifying diagnosis, the burden of financial obligations, the challenges of caring for aging parents, the weight of depression, or the agony of recurrent miscarriages, life can feel far from full. Drowning in the storms, we struggle to catch our breath, waiting for tranquility before we can truly embrace the life we had envisioned and hoped for.
Jesus' promise of abundant life does not come with fine print, hidden prerequisites, or deadlines. He came to give us a life overflowing with abundance—plain and simple. His abundant life is available to us regardless of our age, stage in life, wealth, gender, ethnicity, color, or the strength of our faith. God's promises remain true, no matter how fierce our storms may be or how capable we feel in handling them.
We don't need to possess all the answers; we simply need to be willing. Willingness embodies hope, trust, and faith, all wrapped up in a hesitant, yet resolute "yes."
Trust him today no matter what. Dig for his goodness! Remember his faithfulness!
God, thank you for meeting me right in the midst of the mess and pain and for never leaving me. Lord, help me look to you and you alone to find an abundant life. Thank you for walking with me through the brokenness of life. In Jesus' name, Amen.