Grow Through The Gospels - Matthew 8

Read: Matthew 8
Matthew 8:24-26 “Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, ‘Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!’ He replied, ‘You of little faith, why are you so afraid?’ Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.”
Storms are inevitable, just like the unexpected tempest that strikes in the film "The Perfect Storm." In this movie, the crew of the Andrea Gail sets sail from Gloucester, Massachusetts, under clear skies, only to encounter a fierce storm that emerges without warning. This rapid shift from calm to chaos vividly shows how quickly our circumstances can change.
Life often unfolds in a similar way: one minute everything seems fine, and then suddenly, we're hit with a crisis. It could be a troubling phone call or a shocking revelation that throws everything off balance. In these moments, we're scrambling for something solid to grasp—something to steady us. During such times, it's the promises of God that can anchor us. His presence and peace become our refuge and strength, offering stability when it feels like we're being tossed by the waves.
Even though we might not see an immediate way out of the storm, we can take comfort in knowing who God is. He is faithful, greeting us each morning with new mercies and unfailing compassion (Lamentations 3:23). As a keeper of His promises, God assures us of His reliability and the ultimate goodness of His plans, even if they aren't what we had in mind (Psalm 145:13).
Moreover, God promises to meet our needs—whether they're emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual (Philippians 4:19). He's also committed to being present with us; he won't leave us to face our storms alone (Matthew 28:20). Holding onto this truth gives us the strength to endure, knowing that no matter how dark it gets, God's unwavering nature provides a beacon of hope. This assurance helps us navigate life's storms, fortified by the deep and enduring promise of his constant care.
Are you ‘storm prepared’? Do you have the tools and strategies when waves hit and winds blow to weather it? Build your kit now: write down specific scripture verses that give you comfort, find worship songs that help you find peace, join a small group at church or serve team so you will have the right team around you to battle the rogue waves.
Heavenly father, you are my anchor and my guide in the storms. Thank you for your presence and the promise of your strength. As the winds of uncertainty blow and the waves of difficulty rise, help me to remember that you are with me, that you are for me, and nothing will separate me from your love. Teach me to cling to your truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.