Grow Through The Gospels - Mark 1

Read: Mark 1
Mark 1:16-17 “As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. ‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’”
Peter and Andrew were having a regular day at work when Jesus approached them and said, “Follow me.” They weren’t engaged in anything particularly religious when this life-changing moment occurred. If Jesus hadn’t spoken to them, it would have been just another day of fishing. But that simple invitation changed everything.
This pattern continued with James, John, and Levi. As we read in Mark 1 and 2, each of these men was at work when Jesus called them to follow him and become fishers of men. They had no idea they would become apostles, sent out by God to change the world. What’s remarkable is that Jesus didn’t go to the religious gatherings to find his disciples. Instead, he went to ordinary places, speaking to ordinary people.
Levi, also known as Matthew, is a perfect example. As a tax collector, he was avoided by religious leaders and labeled “unclean” due to his work with the Roman government. Levi likely wasn’t allowed to enter the temple to worship and had few friends outside his fellow tax collectors. Yet, Jesus saw potential in Levi and called him to be a disciple, demonstrating that Jesus can use anyone, regardless of their background.
Jesus breaks into the everyday lives of fishermen, tax collectors, and people like you and me, calling us to be his disciples. He assumes the responsibility to transform us, teaching us to rely on the power of the Spirit of God. This is encouraging because when Jesus calls us to a task, he equips us for it. All we need to do is follow him and yield to his guidance.
How is Jesus using you in the middle of your everyday tasks and jobs? Are you making yourself available? Be a fisher of men by witnessing and showing the fruit of the spirit.
Lord, I am grateful that you use ordinary people for extraordinary purposes. Fill me with the power of your Holy Spirit so that I can become a fisher of men, sharing your love and message with those around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.