Grow Through The Gospels - Luke 8

Read: Luke 8
Luke 8:38-39 “The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, ‘Return home and tell how much God has done for you.’ So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him."
Sometimes, like the demon-possessed man in Luke 8:26-39, the harder call is to go back home. After Jesus cast out his demons, he experienced a peace he hadn't felt in years. No more rage, fear, or torment—just calm. He felt clean, his soul renewed. He looked at Jesus with awe, realizing that this man, who seemed so ordinary, was the "Son of the Most High God."
The townspeople, frightened by Jesus's power, begged him to leave. The man, now free, wanted to follow Jesus, desperate to stay in his presence. But Jesus had other plans. "Return to your home," he said, "and declare how much God has done for you." The thought of returning to a place filled with painful memories must have been daunting. But Jesus knew that the man's testimony would shine brightest in the darkness he once knew.
The words “return to your home” must have made this man’s heart dip. Home for him was not a warm place of fond memories. Home was a place filled with pain, so he probably just wanted to break away from them and never go back. But sometimes, following Jesus means being sent back to a place where we once knew desolation and pain. But it is there in the darkness that the grace of God will shine the brightest through our lives.
Jesus wants us to know that his salvation and protection extend to those old, horrible haunts. If he can break the death grip Satan had on us and set us free, then he can redeem the areas of our former bondage and make them a display for God’s omnipotent grace.
Don’t be afraid to tell loved ones or friends what a difference Jesus has made in your life. Jesus has the power to transform lives and wants to use your story.
Heavenly Father, thank you for changing my life. You have broken the chains of sin and set me free. Give me boldness and courage to shine your light in the darkness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.