Grow Through The Gospels - Luke 5

Read: Luke 5
Luke 5:11 “So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.”
In 1518, Hernán Cortés was ordered to explore the interior of Mexico. At the last minute, his superior canceled the order, but Cortés ignored it and set sail. Upon arriving in Mexico in 1519, Cortés worried that his crew might desert him and return to Spain. To ensure their commitment, he destroyed their ships, leaving them no choice but to follow him and fight with everything they had. There was no retreat, only victory or defeat. They chose to fight, and they won.
The concept of “burning the boats” has deep historical roots. Napoleon Hill recounts a tale of a great warrior who faced overwhelming odds. To guarantee his army's success, he ordered his soldiers to burn their ships after landing on enemy shores. He declared that the smoke from the burning ships meant there was no way back—they had to win or perish. This drastic measure instilled a sense of urgency and absolute commitment, leading to their victory.
In the New Testament, Jesus extended a similar call to his disciples: “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John received this invitation, which extends to each of us today. Jesus’ call to follow him is an act of grace, initiating a transformative relationship. He promised that following him would naturally lead to drawing others into the Kingdom of God. Just as Cortés' men had to burn their boats and commit fully to their mission, we must be willing to let go of our past lives and fully embrace the call to follow Jesus and fish for men.
To be effective fishers of men, we must be willing to "burn our boats" and commit fully to Jesus's mission. Fishing for men takes preparation, dedication, and hard work. Just like fishermen who prepare their gear and learn the best techniques, we need to deepen our spiritual growth through prayer and understanding our faith. Fishing can be tiring and tedious; it often means being in the sun for hours and dealing with periods of inactivity. Similarly, sharing the gospel requires patience and perseverance. We might face challenges and slow progress, but we must keep casting our lines. Our role is to remain faithful and trust that the Holy Spirit will draw people to Jesus. By burning our boats, we leave behind any thought of retreat and fully commit to the journey of bringing others into the Kingdom of God.
Understand that sharing your faith can be challenging and requires patience. Galatians 6:9 reminds us not to grow weary in doing good. But keep looking for opportunities to share.
Heavenly Father, I come before you with a heart open and ready to follow. Help me to burn the boats of my past life, abandoning anything that hinders my walk with you. Equip me with the knowledge and wisdom needed to share the gospel effectively. Give me boldness with friends and family to share the good news. In Jesus’ name. Amen.