Good Deals

Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Today is Black Friday, a day packed with deals, excitement, and the thrill of finding the perfect gift or snagging that once-a-year bargain. But in the rush, have we ever stopped to wonder what’s truly driving us? Are we buying things we really need, or are we hoping this next purchase will fill a longing we carry deep inside? We often believe that we’re just one purchase away from feeling complete or finally being happy. But the truth is, no item—no matter how shiny, trendy, or marked down—can ever fill that space in our hearts. If we’re spending money we don’t have or stacking up items we don’t need, perhaps it’s a sign that we’re searching for meaning in all the wrong places.
Consider this: in the U.S., the storage industry is valued at an astounding $22 billion. That’s $22 billion spent to store things people don’t even use. Those storage units are filled with items that used to be money, and that money used to be time—time we traded in hopes of making ourselves feel a little more “whole.” We often think that having more will satisfy us, yet every extra item can draw us further from the simplicity and peace that Jesus calls us to. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). Jesus spoke about money, wealth, and possessions in nearly half of his parables—not because he wanted to burden us but because he understood that these are the things that often reveal where our hearts truly rest.
Think about your car’s dashboard. When a light turns on, it’s not the light that’s the issue—it’s signaling that something under the hood needs attention. Our spending habits work in a similar way. They’re like “indicator lights” that point to the places in our hearts that may be empty or hurting. Are we trying to buy peace, security, or joy? Jesus never came to demand our possessions; he came to reach our hearts, inviting us to a life of generosity and freedom—a life where giving becomes more fulfilling than accumulating.
This Black Friday, let’s rethink the question, “What can I get?” and instead ask, “What can I give?” God invites us to invest in things that truly last, to give out of love, and to find real satisfaction—not in possessions, but in a heart devoted to him. True joy isn’t found in what we have; it’s found in him, in finding our purpose through Jesus.
Make tithing your first step – Begin by obeying God by giving the first 10 percent of your income to God’s house, trusting him with the best of what you have. Tithing isn’t just about finances; it’s an act of faith that puts God at the center of your life, reminding you that everything comes from him.
Heavenly Father, thank you for all you’ve given me. Help me to trust you by giving back to you first. Use my gift to bless others and grow my faith in your care. In Jesus’ name. Amen.