Don’t Tell Me What to Do

Proverbs 16:3 “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”
Proverbs 3:9 “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops.”
“You’re not my Daddy. You can’t tell me what to do.” Ah, the echoes of that defiant childhood retort still resonate in our memories, don’t they? There’s an innate resistance to being told what to do. It’s almost ingrained in our wiring – this desire to carve our own path, make our own choices, and learn our own lessons, often the hard way. But let’s face it, that rebellious approach to life isn’t the smartest move.
Now, why should we obey God? It’s a valid question, especially considering our natural inclination to resist authority. God, like our parents, has given us guidance – not to stifle our freedom but to lead us onto the path of wisdom and blessing. Our earthly parents caution us against playing in the street or running with scissors for our own safety. And what does that tell us about God’s character and concern for us?
The truth is, God wants our obedience because he knows what’s best for us. His perspective is far-reaching, beyond what our parents could ever comprehend. When he instructs us, it’s not to limit us but to protect and guide us. Take, for instance, the command to tithe and give financially. God, who owns tomorrow, knows exactly how he plans to bless our obedience.
He’s aware of when my car might decide to retire, when the insurance company will surprise me with a refund, and when that long-awaited raise will finally materialize. So, when God gives us commands, we can obey with ultimate trust and confidence, knowing that his plans for us far exceed our own.
God’s commands are not arbitrary; they are designed to help us arrive at his best for our lives. He would never ask us to do something that would be to our detriment. Our obedience, including financial giving, becomes a tangible demonstration of our faith and love for him.
Approach obedience to God’s command of giving with faith and confidence, knowing that he is faithful to fulfill his promises. Begin your tithing journey today if you have not already. Step out in obedience and faith.
Lord, forgive me for the times when I have resisted your guidance and sought to do things my own way. I trust in your sovereignty and your perfect knowledge of the future. Help me to trust in your wisdom and to obey your commands with faith and confidence. In Jesus’ name. Amen.