An Infant?

Galatians 4:4-5 "But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship."
Matthew 1:21 “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
Why would the Savior of the world come as a helpless baby? Why not arrive in power, with armies of angels and the splendor of heaven? Philip Yancey once wrote, “The God who roared, who could order armies and empires about like pawns on a chessboard, this God emerged in Palestine as a baby who could not speak or eat solid food, who depended on a teenager for shelter, food, and love.”
The humility of Jesus’s birth is staggering. The King of kings didn’t come demanding attention or praise, but as an infant – dependent and vulnerable. This wasn’t weakness; it was God’s profound way of identifying with humanity. Jesus didn’t bypass the struggles of life, he stepped fully into them. The same God who shaped galaxies allowed himself to be shaped in a womb. The same God who holds all things together chose to be cradled in a manger.
Jesus’s humanity was essential to his mission. To save humanity, he had to be one of us. He had to experience hunger, pain, joy, and sorrow. He had to fulfill the law perfectly as a human and offer his life as a sacrifice. His divinity ensured he could bear the weight of sin; his humanity allowed him to bear it for us.
The beauty of the incarnation is its humility and intentionality. Jesus came quietly into a world desperate for salvation. The cradle pointed directly to the cross, where the mission he began as a baby would be fulfilled in his ultimate sacrifice. His life wasn’t just about being present—it was about redeeming us entirely.
This Christmas, let the image of the baby in the manger remind you of God’s great love. He came, not as a distant ruler, but as a Savior willing to live among us, die for us, and offer us eternal life. Marvel at the lengths God went to so that we might be saved, and let your heart rest in the wonder of his humility and care.
Talk to a child, friend, or family member about why Jesus came as a baby. Use this opportunity to share the gospel in a simple, heartfelt way.
Lord Jesus, I am humbled by your love and your incredible humility—that you left the glory of Heaven to come to earth as a helpless baby for me. Help me to trust your plans for my life and to follow your example of humility and grace. In your name. Amen.