All About Me

Joshua 3:7 “And the Lord said to Joshua, ‘Today I will begin to exalt you in the eyes of all Israel, so they may know that I am with you as I was with Moses.’”
Before he attacked Russia, Napoleon Bonaparte seemed to have the world at his feet. But the Russian invasion turned into a disaster and Napoleon, fearing his position at home was in danger, left the French army and hurried back to France almost unaccompanied. Arriving at a river crossing, Napoleon asked the ferryman whether any deserters had come that way. Not recognizing the famous leader, the man responded, "No, you are the first.”
God does not deal in fleeting fame. What he offers is far better than anything man could give. As Joshua obeyed God's Word, the Lord assured him he would be exalted. Just as God honored Moses, so he would honor Joshua. This was not a human grab for glory, but a generous gift from God.
God offers the same to every Christian. As we make Christ the center of our lives and his Word the focal point of all we say and do, the Lord will bring us a glory outlasting any honor from man. While we may not always be recognized by worldly leaders, Scripture assures us we will be revealed in glory when Christ returns. Our idea of glory will change so that we reflect him, he becomes our glory. It is not about us; it is all about Jesus.
As we lift Jesus up, he will lift us up. Today, purposefully honor Jesus with your words.
God, I want to make it all about you and less about me. Help me to make more of you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.