Do You Have a Blind Spot? 5 Questions That Evaluate Your Christian Worldview

The National Science Foundation released a report that says we have between 12,000 and 50,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative.
That’s why the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10:5 that “we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Our thoughts influence our worldview.
What Is a Worldview?
A worldview, metaphorically, is like an HVAC system. When an HVAC system is working right, the filters are doing their job. They're taking out the contaminants and the pollutants and all of the stuff in the air, then indoors we can breathe and enjoy the coolness or, if it's cold outside, the warmth.
In a similar way, a worldview is a comprehensive, panoramic perspective filtered through an individual’s viewpoint.
What Is Man’s Worldview?
Man has a worldview in which he is at the center. We either have a God-centric worldview—a theistic worldview—or we have a man-made, man-centric worldview. One is natural and the other is supernatural.
Man's worldview pretty much says we're molecules in motion. We're just a bunch of junk from some biotic soup. We're amped up algae. When we die, our candle is blown out. That's it.
A man-centered worldview says this is all there is, so go for it. Do whatever makes you—and here's the keyword—happy.
What Is God’s Worldview?
God, though, argues, ‘Hey, I've got this worldview for you. And I want you to bow to me and put me at the center of your life because what's going to happen is you're going to live a holy life.’ The word “holy” means set apart or wholeness.
Francis Schaeffer was an American evangelical theologian, philosopher, and Presbyterian pastor. Here is what he said: “Man's sinful nature—his desire to rebel against God and his fellow man—is the source of all psychological problems.”
What Worldview Should You Adopt?
Have you chosen your worldview? Because if you don't choose one, the world will choose one for you.
A lot of us—even those of us who say ‘yes, I'm a follower of Christ’—sort of ping pong back and forth on this whole worldview issue.
That’s why the Bible says in Colossians 2:8, “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.”
How Can You Determine What Worldview to Believe?
When we look at our worldview, we must take a systematic approach to determine if it’s true.
Is there logical consistency?
A worldview must look at truth. Do its claims adhere to each other? A Christian worldview says God is transcendent and His truth is absolute.
Man says truth is not absolute and is not transcendent. Rather, truth is transitional and tenuous. It's relative.
God has emotions, too. We're made in His image. God's emotions are perfect. Yet we have to filter our emotions through His truth.
A secular worldview says that emotions are foundational, meaning if I think it’s true, then it is true. The truth is however I feel at a certain moment.
Is there empirical evidence?
Christianity has delivered empirical evidence to our world. Psalms 19:1–2 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.”
A Christian worldview believes in:
- The sacredness of marriage. One man, one woman. It doesn't matter how you feel about another sexual practice. It doesn't matter what your opinion is.
- Woman's dignity and freedom.
- The sanctity of life.
- Education for all. Who was the creator of mathematics and biology in history? God. We've just kicked him out. In the sixties, we just tossed out transcendent truth, and take a look at our educational system today.
- Charity and compassion. The great hospitals were established by Christians.
- The abolition of slavery. Equality for all.
Does my worldview support existential relevancy?
Christianity answers the big questions of life:
- Why am I here?
- What's the meaning of life?
- What happens when I die?
Christianity passes all of these tests with flying colors. The Bible tells us in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” God is truth and is the truth source.
Anthropologists can't figure it out. Biologists can't figure it out. Sociologists can't figure it out, and psychiatrists can't figure it out. It's a God thing.
Truth is prolific and specific. It's inclusive and exclusive. One plus one equals two. If that were not true every time, our entire system would collapse.
5 Questions That Evaluate Your Christian Worldview
#1. Am I taking my thoughts and making them captive?
#2. Am I living by God's truth and not my own?
#3. Are my emotions subject to the truth?
#4. Am I reflecting God's greatness in all I do?
#5. Am I reaping the blessings of obedience?
Why Should You Have a Christian Worldview?
The emotions are so much greater and grander when we do it God's way. They might not be immediate, but they're more than we can ask or imagine. And you can't even touch the blessings.
Make sure, friends, that you go God's way. Allow His truth to infiltrate your life. Die to yourself, to your dreams, and live for God, and the results will be unbelievable.
We have a God-given ability to choose our worldview. God has chosen you and me, yet given us the capacity to make our own decisions. He wants us to rationalize. He wants us to think. He doesn't want us to check our brains at the door like we check luggage before we board a flight. God wants us to use our minds, to collect all of those thoughts and ideas and put them through His filter. Once we do that and realize it's all about Him, not about us, then we can discover what this life is all about.
Next Steps
Have you made Jesus the center of your worldview? He wants to help you take your thoughts and emotions captive. All it takes is a simple prayer asking Jesus to come into your heart and become the center of your life. Then you can allow God to shape your worldview from this point forward.
To learn more, visit Fellowship Church in person or online.