Ed Young Articles

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The Fear of Truth

When Jesus was on trial for his life, Pontius Pilate asked him, “What is truth?” This is a great que

How to Deal with Rejection

When was the first time you ever felt rejected? When was the first time someone turned their back on

How to Conquer Fear

Learn how to overcome fear by putting your faith in God and trusting in His power to fight for you. Discover practical tips and biblical examples to help you face your fears and live a more courageous life.

Fear of Commitment

From month-to-month apartment leases and free agency in sports to escape clauses in contracts and pr

The Fear of God

There is one overriding fear I have that keeps me doing what I do, and it’s the fear of God. In our

Fear of Rejection

All of us deal with fear, especially the fear of rejection. One definition of rejection is throwing

The Fear of the Unknown

When I was a child, I was terrified of a ‘little man’ who I imagined lived upstairs where my bedroom