Heart Placement

Matthew 6:21 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
"Materialism is not defined by a tangible commodity, but rather an intangible condition of the heart." – Pastor Ed Young
Materialism isn’t just about owning too much—it’s about how tightly those things hold onto you. You don’t have to be wealthy to struggle with materialism. Worrying about making ends meet or striving to achieve more can grip your heart just as tightly. The real battle isn’t about money—it’s about trust.
Tithing—giving the first 10% of what we earn back to God—is a step of faith that helps us loosen our grip on material things and realign our hearts with God. Jesus said in Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” It’s not about how much you give but about placing God first, trusting him to meet your needs and guide your life.
Think about it: how much of your mental energy is spent worrying about money, possessions, or the next thing you “need”? That anxiety is a sign of misplaced trust. As long as we cling to what we have, we live in scarcity and fear. But when we take the step of tithing, we step into trust, saying, “God, you are my provider, and I believe you’ll take care of me.”
John Wesley said, “Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can.” Generosity frees us from the prison of materialism. It shifts our focus from what we lack to the abundance of what God has already provided.
What would it look like for you to put God first today? Tithing isn’t about giving something up—it’s about gaining peace, freedom, and faith. Take the step, trust him with your first and best, and discover the joy of living in the zone of generosity and blessing.
Track your spending. Look at your monthly expenses and ask yourself if they reflect your trust in God or a reliance on material things. Adjust where needed to prioritize generosity.
Father, everything I have is a gift from you. Help me to trust you with my first and best, breaking free from the grip of materialism and living in faith. Teach me to give generously and joyfully, knowing that you will always provide for my every need. In Jesus’ name. Amen.